Crossmedia Vertiefung WS 2011/12

Lehrveranstaltung FH Trier Intermedia Design
Prof. Tom Hirt and Prof. Mariko Takagi, Hong Kong Baptist University, Academy of Visual Arts

Artikel der Kategorie 02 Analyse

Mindmap – Identity of clothes

Identity of clothes

App Store – „NIKEiD“

App Store – „NIKEiD“.

Schuhe indivdualisieren.

Ergebnisse der Umfrage (211 Teilnahmen)


Nachwuchs-Designwettbewerb bei brands for friends

Nachwuchs-Designwettbewerb bei designedby

Ihr seid so kreativ wie Michael Michalsky und schneidert gern eure Klamotten selbst? Eure Freunde stehen bei euch Schlange, um eine eurer neusten Kreationen zu ergattern? Dann wird es höchste Zeit, dass ihr an designedby, unserem Nachwuchs-Designwettbewerb, teilnehmt, denn der Countdown läuft bereits! Und so einfach geht‘s: Entwerft ein Fashion-Item, egal ob Kleidungsstück oder Accessoire, zum Thema „Freundschaft“. Ladet euer Design hier hoch und zwar in den nächsten 3 Wochen, denn so viel Zeit bleibt euch nur noch


kurze Umfrage zum Thema shopping und Fashion (deutsch)


Rank a brand

Website dedicated to rank brands conditioned by their environment policy.

Analysis: Fashion Values in Germany

Get inspired: “50 Ways to Help the Planet” presented by Wire & Twine

HK: Site Visit to ECOLS on Oct. 25

Founded in 2008, ECOLS provides a platform for humankind to exchange ECO ignited thoughts and ideas through art, designs and communications.
ECOLS mission is to educate and nurture the market about ECO lifestyle and ignite your ECO attitude.

Stella Ho, the Assistant Marketing Manager, gave us an insight to the philosophy and ideas of ECOLS.

ECOLS created an individual rating system for their products:

This system helps to illustrate why products here are ECO and are selected or designed for the ECOLS store. The four main criteria are: Materials, Manufacturing
Process, Creativity and Stylishness.
Check it out:

The black bags are designed in Hong Kong. Old taxi seats are the materials for this product.

Analysis 4. Alternative concepts / fashion labels (Ehrles / Neises)

in order to download and open the PDF please click on the link below:

PDF Analysis Alternative concepts

we will try to update our analysis topic during our whole work in the project.

Analysis Onlineshops

Short analysis of 4 online shops: Desigual, H&M, Adidas and Zara

PDF: Analysis_komplett-small

Online-shop for sustainable fashion


Analyse – Productlifecycle


First video conference with Hong Kong class

Yesterday I had a video conference with the class of Prof. Mariko Takagi. Every student gave me a short presentation of research and the first concept. They were very well prepared and had good ideas.

For the Trier students: Please stay in contact with your student partner and discuss your project. In two weeks we will also have a short skype presentation on thursday with Hong Kong. Please prepare a very short presentation with one slide of your research and one slide of your first concept idea.

Analysethemen als Mindmap

Mindmap als Freeminddatei von unserem letzten Treffen.

Analyse Blagova&Michels WS11-12

Our Analysis for the topic “guiding themes in fashion: past, present, future”


An illustrated summary of our analysis:


Masterarbeit – Nachhaltigkeit im Rahmen des persönlichen Kleidungskonsums


Cross culture cooperation beetween students from the Hong Kong Baptist University, Academy of Visual Arts (Prof. Mariko Takagi) and Trier University of applied sciences, Intermedia Design (Prof. Tom Hirt) mehr erfahren
