Crossmedia Vertiefung WS 2011/12

Lehrveranstaltung FH Trier Intermedia Design
Prof. Tom Hirt and Prof. Mariko Takagi, Hong Kong Baptist University, Academy of Visual Arts

TED: How Technology evloves

Die Körpermesser kommen

Mit einer genial einfachen Idee wollen zwei Berliner Jungunternehmer der Textilbranche zum Durchbruch im Internet verhelfen. Ihr Dienst UPcload vermisst Menschen per Webcam, genauer als ein Schneider. Der Dienst könnte das Shoppen online revolutionieren – wenn die Branche mitmacht.,1518,797576,00.html

Hallo aus Hong Kong :D

Guten tag zusammen! Ich bin Sui aus Hong Kong :D
Es ist mein erster Blog hier :)

Mein Projekt ist über Reusing T-Shirts – bisschen von meinem Prozess (es ist ein Buch)…

(now changing to Englisch)

While I was working on my book, I saw an interesting project on Google Reader, it is FABRIC Project by textile designer Stéphanie Baechler

The designer first makes patterns with several pieces of cloths on wall, then take photograph of it, after few testing procedures she prints out the final pattern on a piece of new cloth and cut it out.

This is probably the best part of her project because from this step you’ll reckon the final piece of cloth cut out is extremely flexible.
You can wear it in any forms! And the main thing is the fabric is beautiful ;) I believe I can buy fewer clothes if I have this piece of beautiful magic cloth! x)

Video: FABRIC Project – Stéphanie Baechler
(I cannot embed a Youtube clip here as well (/_<)!! )

via bldgwlf

This is my sharing so far!
Tschüß!! (^O^)

kurze Umfrage zum Thema shopping und Fashion (deutsch)


Rank a brand

Website dedicated to rank brands conditioned by their environment policy.

Skype meeting with the class in Trier.

Thanks for the presentation and the update. Will report it to my students next Tuesday.

Analysis: Fashion Values in Germany

The Hong Kong Connection. Part 1

More will follow!

Get inspired: “50 Ways to Help the Planet” presented by Wire & Twine

HK: Site Visit to ECOLS on Oct. 25

Founded in 2008, ECOLS provides a platform for humankind to exchange ECO ignited thoughts and ideas through art, designs and communications.
ECOLS mission is to educate and nurture the market about ECO lifestyle and ignite your ECO attitude.

Stella Ho, the Assistant Marketing Manager, gave us an insight to the philosophy and ideas of ECOLS.

ECOLS created an individual rating system for their products:

This system helps to illustrate why products here are ECO and are selected or designed for the ECOLS store. The four main criteria are: Materials, Manufacturing
Process, Creativity and Stylishness.
Check it out:

The black bags are designed in Hong Kong. Old taxi seats are the materials for this product.


Cross culture cooperation beetween students from the Hong Kong Baptist University, Academy of Visual Arts (Prof. Mariko Takagi) and Trier University of applied sciences, Intermedia Design (Prof. Tom Hirt) mehr erfahren
